Oak And Mist

Oak and Mist

Book one in the acclaimed YA fantasy series, The Ambeth Chronicles

Oak And Mist final cover‘The end of everything? Great, no pressure then.’

Take a journey to Ambeth, where time twists and a palace gleams in green gardens. Where Light and Dark hold the Balance of the worlds, and beauty is a birthright, not a gift.

However, appearances can be deceiving.

When Alma stumbles between two trees into Ambeth, she finds she has a choice to make. Three items are lost: A Cup, a Sword and a Crown. Light and Dark are embroiled in a struggle for control. And both sides have been waiting for Alma to arrive…

A hidden world. A family secret. And a choice. But how do you choose between your head and your heart?

What do reviewers have to say about Oak and Mist?

‘It wasn’t just another battle between Light and Dark. It was also about the gray area, about choices, and about emotions and impulses. There was a richness to it, and it was quite magical.’

‘The characters are complex, believable with their flaws and virtues. The story is very nicely woven and has a wonderful flow; it was easy to get hooked.’

‘The author’s style of writing…was as delicate and beautiful as fairy’s wings and at the same time just as dangerous. Before I knew it, I was completely sucked into the world she’d created. Helen Jones has written a modern YA fantasy adventure and yet reads like a classic.’

‘Jones presents a world that I found highly believable, intricate though uncomplicated.’

‘an enchanting and delightfully told tale’

‘well-written and brilliantly weaved’

‘The characters are believable and have flaws and strengths that make them endearing.’

Oak and Mist is available through Amazon as a paperback or Kindle version. To get your copy, please click on the cover image or here