Stuck Writing Your Author Bio? Try The (Totally Not Serious) Author Bio Generator

Aren't I fabulous and interesting?

I’m so fabulous and interesting.

So I’ve been noticing a trend recently of, shall we say, somewhat overwrought author bios, in which every detail is teased into something magnificent, a picture of a life fabulously lived. I realise that there are, in fact, authors who do live wonderfully exciting lives but I also seem to remember a time when it wasn’t really important to know about it. A time when an author bio was a few lines at the end of a book, photograph optional, and usually read something like: ‘Author X was born in Wiltshire, and still lives there with her husband and three sons.’ Then, if Author X had written other books/and or won awards, these would also be listed. And that was about it. (I’m basing this on the very scientific research of spending time perusing my own bookcase and reading famous author bios, so you know, it’s totally legit).

But nowadays it seems to not be sufficient that we write stories – we have to live them as well. We have to be a ‘brand’. Okay. I understand the idea of leveraging an interesting life into the idea that you might therefore have interesting stories to tell, but there are plenty of examples that prove you don’t have to live with dragons to write about them. The Bronte sisters lived relatively sheltered lives and Emily, the author of Wuthering Heights, was apparently so shy she would turn her back on people mid-conversation, unable to speak any more. She never married, yet she was able to plumb the heights and depths of passion and create an enduring legend of romance that is still considered one of the greatest literary novels ever.

But that was then and this is now, and we are all writers trying to make our mark on a world saturated with choice. And so the bio is rewritten and inflated by agents and publishers, ostensibly to create interest, though I confess I’ve never heard anyone say, ‘Oh, I’m reading a book by X because, did you know, she wrestles alligators and has a pet monkey?’

Therefore, in the interest of giving us all a leg up in the bio-writing stakes, I’ve decided to put together an Easy Author Bio Generator.* It’s basically like Mad Libs – just insert whatever words you think will work:

(your name) was born (time, place) and grew up in (place, dimension etc) learning to (do something odd). They left (your birthplace) for (a far flung destination) where they (did something amazing). (your name) now lives in (somewhere fabulous and unusual) with their (living companions). When not writing bestselling novels, (your name) likes to (do some sort of unusual and creative hobby).

And here’s my attempt:

Helen Jones was born at the turning of the tide on a remote Scottish Island and grew up with gypsies, learning to yodel at the moon. She left the island for the bright lights of Paris, where she wrote dramatic novels in between creating coffee confections for demanding French patrons. She now lives in a yurt hidden in a Welsh valley with her husband, three children and six goats. When not writing bestselling novels, she likes to party with rock stars and dance the tango under a full moon, letting out the occasional yodel.

See? Aren’t I more interesting now? 😀 Go on, give it a try – you know you want to.



  • This is just a bit of fun
  • I’m sure I’m not the first person to think of doing this
  • I may, or may not, change up some of my bios to see if anyone even notices
  • I mean no offense to those of you out there who already have fabulous and interesting bios – well done, you.


189 thoughts on “Stuck Writing Your Author Bio? Try The (Totally Not Serious) Author Bio Generator

  1. OK Helen… here goes!
    Ritu was born nearly half a century ago, in a medical institute in the heart of The Midlands and grew up in Little India, also known as Handsworth, learning to all the things a good little Indian girl needs to know. They left Brum for the posh lands of Surrey where they learned how to be an educator a day how to live independently. Ritu now lives in The Garden of England with their Hubby Dearest, two children Lil Man and Lil Princess and their furbaby Sonu Singh. When not writing bestselling novels, Ritu likes to warble along to songs on her Smule! app!

      • Great post. I now have a can’t miss author’s bio. Can’t count the number of angst-ridden writers’ meetings I’ve attended as stressed writer tries to hammer out the perfect bio. Cheers —

      • Thanks so much, I’m really pleased to hear it worked for you. To be honest, i wrote the post as a bit of a joke after struggling with my own bio and reading loads of others – however, the formula does actually seem to work! I should update my own bio, really… 😊

  2. Pingback: Author Bio, Pt. II: Applying Helen Jones’ (totally not serious) Formula – Scribbler's Playhouse

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